We were the first clinic

west of Texas to introduce Unloaded Ambulation, partial Body Weight treadmill training. We have also been the first physical therapy clinic in San Diego to introduce isoinertial training and Norsk Sequence Training.

Our Specialities

Manual Physical Therapy

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Post-Operative (Rotator Cuff Repair, Total Hip/Knee. etc.)

Sports Rehabilitation


Motor Vehicle Accidents/Whiplash

Vertigo/Balance Disorders

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction / Spinal Injuries

Visceral Manipulation / Abdominal Pain / Digestive Issues 

Assisted Unweighted Treadmill Training

Kinesio/Rock Taping

Athletics:  High School, Collegiate and Professional 

Kinesio-Tape and/or Rock Tape

We frequently used these tapes, amongst others, in our clinic. Both methods of taping can be used for an array of therapeutic benefits.

The tape is flexible and elastic that moves with your body, while providing support. It can be beneficial for numerous sporting injuries or simply acute or chronic pain.

The taping technique can be utilized for muscle support and relaxation, pain relief, proper muscle recruitment and for swelling by promoting blood and lymphatic circulation.

Unloaded step-down training

allows a patient to work at an appropriate intensity; that is at a load that they can control. Not only at the quadriceps, but also at the hip musculature that provides the appropriate stability for this task. It does one no benefit to limp or lurch while trying to practice ascending or descending steps.

Impulse Trainer

is a unique piece of exercise equipment. It trains the neuromuscular control of the trunk during limb activity and stability about the joint were motion occurs. This requires high speed coordinated action from the muscles surrounding a joint. This practice at timing also allows for high speed training not available on conventional pulley equipment. The impulse trainer has application in our geriatric population as well as high demand sports performance.

Unloading Ambulation

is the bridge between an aquatic program and full body weight training. It is very useful in regaining appropriate walking pattern following fractures, reconstructive surgeries, lumbar herniated disc, and strokes.


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